Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Thank God It's Nice Out

Periodically throughout the last couple of weeks I have been having mini-meltdowns resulting in the deep contemplation of life. What am I doing, why am I doing it, what will I do when I'm done school, what school should I continue on to, should I continue on to more schooling at all, where will I live, what will I do, et cetra. I have never felt so stressed or overwhelmed in my life. And it's interesting to me; I like to stop and observe myself when I'm having a meltdown, and analyze my reactions. How I respond to people, what I'm like, what I say and how I say it, during these times of mental crisis. A pleasing result of said analyzation is the realization that I am actually not one to complain about my course load. There is an unfortunate number of students, both first and second years, young and mature, who complain about how much school they have to do. How many classes, how much homework, and so on and so forth. Being perfectly honest, I have more work than even the full time art students do, because I am the President of the Visual Art Society. And that right there is the sole reason why I don't complain about my course load. I chose (essentially) to become VAS President, and I knew how that would impact my schooling. However can I just say...

Ceramics takes up all your time anyways, so taking just that course alone is a feat.
English: We've had essays and papers due every other week.
Professional Practice: Is a two hour class that is of almost no benefit, should definitely not be a two hour class, and is a huge suck of my valuable time.
Painting: I've discovered that yes, I truly suck at it. It is not my forte and I have accepted that. I will stop being so high and mighty about it now, and succumb to the fact that I am not a 2D artist. Anyways I'm working on my third painting of the semester, and I appear to like painting big. Which doesn't do a lot in terms of saving time or materials, let me tell you that much.
Art History: We just had our midterm, which was stressful enough as it was, but our first draft of our final project is due next class, which means i have to actually start it, and of course knowing me I took the difficult way out and decided to do a mixed media sculpture... On top of that, two chapters of the text book we HAVE to read before class because it's an entire discussion class, so we need to know what we're discussing beforehand. Also it's a potluck class, so I have to cook something.
I'm working all day this Thursday, and Friday is drawing which I'm super duper behind on because we had 20 freakin assignments due for midterm. 20! I had like.. 13? So many of us didn't have all of them done. And they're all due for final mark a week from Friday.
Coming up: A week long gallery exhibition with my friends Hannah and Keah. Up the same time I'm hosting a VAS art sale. I'm setting up and taking down both exhibitions in the same week. I am being quite dictator-like when it comes to this art sale. I demand that if you want something in the sale, you must help with the set up and/or run and/or take down of said sale. If your name is not on the sign up sheet for shifts, but your work is in the selection to be put out, I will remove your items and refuse to enter them into the sale.
Is that totally unreasonable? I just know that I have to train everybody right from the get go- if you don't help, nothing happens. Period. I cannot do all the work. I have no idea how Chase managed it last year. It's completely beyond me.
I also have posters to print and people to email and money to collect and retreats to attend and meetings to attend and classes to miss because of said meetings, and lots of talking to people about the sale and about the society.
My ceramics project is due in four weeks. Painting is due in less than a week. Drawing is due in a week. English.. well, I just have to read an entire book for English in less than two weeks. No big deal... (Hint: I'm a very slow reader and it takes me forever to get through a freakin book. Which is why I stopped reading a while ago. Ain't no body got time for dat). Art History proof of project is due in a week. I have to get stuff ready for my exhibition at the end of next week. Get sheets filled out for the art sale...

So basically, if we're friends and I've stopped talking to you altogether, don't take it personally. I've probably also stopped eating and sleeping and possibly showering. See you at Christmas :)

P.S. I'm not actually as upset or anxious as I've made it sound, or if I am I'm handling it remarkably well. I didn't exaggerate in what I have to get done in the next couple weeks, but I seem to be coping with it all rather decently. As long as no one makes me angry.

Oh that's another thing. This entire week has been all about feminism. Feminism this and feminism that, blah blah blah argue argue blaaahh. I hate the subject altogether, because I think it's absolutely ridiculous, and I can't get away from it! Freakin women!

No hate male please.

See what I did there?

1 comment:

  1. haha no hate male. I love you. ps Brad told me the other day to tell you that he REALLY likes your bird painting! xoxo
