Wednesday, January 10, 2018

My New Year Art Expo - Selling My Art

The time has come, the Walrus said.

I'm going to put myself on display! And in a much more vulnerable way than when I nude model.

I'm going to show you my art. And not just show it to you. I'm going to sell it to you. Well, try.

There's nothing I want more than to pay off my student loans so I can, shocker, go back to school! I need my degree, I need to study art, I need to teach it! I need to design, to inspire others to design, to teach others and myself what it means to be a creator, not a destroyer, especially in this world. I will achieve my goals, and this is my first step. I need to let the people know I exist.

So here we go. The next van Gogh/Monet/Turner (My dreams are big):

My first two paintings I would like to introduce to you today are two of my greatest loves, my prides, my joys. And it will be incredibly difficult to give them up, yet I need to relinquish them in order to prove to myself I can do it again. I'm so afraid of making the perfect piece and not being able to make anything after that, and I can't keep limiting myself with stunted thoughts like that. It's not going to get my dreams achieved. So, I am pleased to introduce to you my Blue Tree and Purple Tree, oh so cleverly named.

Blue Tree

Purple Tree

This is what they look like currently on my wall, and what they could look like on YOUR wall:

And this is what they looked like when they were only a few days old, still in the paint-speckled art studio:

More about the paintings: My Blue Tree is 3 feet long, 21 inches wide (so almost 2 feet) and 2 inches thick, and my Purple Tree is 3 feet by 2 feet exactly, 2 inches thick. Both are painted on a chemically treated recycled wooded board, primed and with an all-around frame on the back, all made by yours truly. Acrylic paint and spackling paste for the background texture, which there is a little bit of.

I start my paintings abstract, primarily focusing on what colours I'm choosing to use and how they're interacting with each other, and what I can do with that. The painting progresses and eventually pulls itself together, and  I tape around the edges, giving these two paintings the boarder look you see.

Both trees are inspired by two particular trees I could see looking out of my kitchen and dining room windows back home. The blue one used to have a blue rope swing on it, and the purple one is in the middle of our backyard. And then, as always, my paintings are inspired by the colour and beauty found in nature.

Ideally I'd like to sell these two paintings together as a set, but I understand given the size and weight, you might just want one. I'd like $400.00 for each one, maybe a deal if you want both, but I'm willing to talk numbers.

I might not even be that sad if I never sold these two; they liven up any blank wall I stick them on, and seem to match any and all of my house decorations. But I know, I just know, there is a blank neutral wall out there that has been looking for a masterpiece to bring it to life.

:) Thanks for reading. Feel free to share if you have a friend who collects or is maybe in need of something hand-made, beautiful, and ever so original. More to come.

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