Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Recent Updates a.k.a. I'm a Legal Assistant Now!

 As of November, 2015 I have been employed by a lawyer here in town. I got the job by some magical mystical mystery of the heavens, and here I am - five months later, and I feel like so much has changed. For instance - I have nearly normal people hair now. Between the blonde and the black I had some pink, and now there is some blue, but as my hair grows longer the possibilities seem to be limiting. Especially since I have seemed to run out of new colours to dye my hair.

Regardless, I have business cards too! It's almost like I'm a real adult. Both original artworks by myself, and I am so excited to have a piece of me I can hand out to potential somebodies.

Growing up aside, being a legal assistant is totally kick ass. I never thought I would work in an office, but I also think a piece of me always knew I was cut out to be in an office position. Dana, the lawyer I work for, works with me one on one on all the documents he needs done up on whatever client. I have gotten to a point in my work skills to be able to work on my alone for bountiful amounts of time, preparing this, that, and the other thing, so Dana only has to review and then eventually endorse. He has referred to be as "quite the little lawyer" in a couple instances, and is almost bent on me eventually going to law school. I'm not sure how sold I am on that idea, but it's nice to have someone have that kind of faith in my intelligence and abilities.

But not to fear everyone, you now me - no matter what, I will always find time for myself and my art. Currently, Saturdays and Tuesdays are my Cafe days (which a touching amount of my regulars seem really happy and excited about! Truly.), Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday are my lawyer days, and sometimes Sunday, and I have a private modelling gig booked once for this month and once for next. And on top of that I am in the process of making more jewelry to potentially sell at my mother's gift shop this coming year, and with any luck I can get that incredibly messy studio organized and tidied up.

I need to do a maker series for my sister for her blog, so eventually I'll have some more craft stuff on here. In the meantime, stay tuned for some Nicaragua pics!

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