Tuesday, March 28, 2017

505, 440 Minutes

What is infinite yet constantly in short supply?
What do we have too much of yet never enough?
What is the bane of your existence until you realize it is entirely your existence?

The overwhelming and complex answer: Time.

A completely subjective principle yet it is completely out of our control and continues to spin whether we are conscious of it or not. It seems to stand still on occasion and speed up during others. Five minutes can feel like sixty and an hour can seem like mere minutes.

So when I want to catch somebody up on my past year, I am overwhelmed with where to begin. In a way, not a lot has happened or changed and I could probably give you the run down in 45 seconds to a minute.

On the other hand, I developed a really great friendship in March with a coworker from the cafe I work at only to end it a few months later due to an unfortunate case of spousal abuse and her inability to walk away from it; my boyfriend broke his arm in the beginning of April and had to take six weeks off of work; Fort McMurray burnt down in the beginning of May and a cousin of a classmate of mine died as a result; my Grandfather passed away at the beginning of June; I took my boyfriend to Emerge in July with the most terrible migraine I have ever witnessed and the doctor had to give him a CT Scan and a lumbar puncture (!!); my washing machine broke down also in July and had been seen by plumbers, handy men, and more plumbers for over a month until we finally got each and every plumbing issue fixed (the apartment was built in 1950 and I'm not sure the piping has ever been updated until now); we adopted a kitten in the beginning of August (poor boy was maybe 4 weeks old when someone put him in a box and stuck him in a dumpster. Karma will get them, don't you worry.); I began doing hot yoga in October; I was straight up fired from my legal assistant job in November (they said it was because of the recession, but I have my (super founded) suspicions it's more than that. More, unprofessional reasons, and a big indicator was it was not the lawyer who fired me, but his other assistant. That is how cowardly the situation was.); went on a trip to Vancouver in December to visit my younger brother, whom I found is doing well but unfortunately isn't any nicer to me than when we were kids, so that's a situation I'm going to avoid for a while, I think; I started socializing more with strangers in strange places, starting by accepting a New Years invite by a lady in her mid-late 20's whom I've only known at face value, and have gone out quite a few times since then; I got fired from the cafe in January with a poor-tasting false accusation of theft, likely forever ruining my so-called 'mother-daughter' relationship with my 65-year-old Polish employer; I started modeling (a lot) for first- and second-year drawing classes again to make up for my loss of both employments (it's not dissimilar to contract work where I didn't know what hours I might get in the upcoming week and it's purely based on my performance and rapport (which I thought was spelled repoir until now) with the teachers); my boyfriend got Shingles and a raise in February; and I have officially had to apply for (and have received money from) Employment Insurance, which has inspired the pondering: what would incentive an unemployed person to go looking for work if they're getting paid enough money to get by by just sitting on their butt? Then I remember I have $20+ grand of loans still I have to pay back PLUS I want to move soon PLUS I want to go back to university PLUS I love to travel, so this girl has to make some money. I have applied to probably 15-20 places in the last month and have had one call back and one interview - until today, when I received my second call back! I have an interview on Friday. My first interview went extraordinarily well considering it was for an Assistant Manager position and I have only ever had one interview before in my life and it was for a minimum wage retail positions. In fact, most of my work experience has been minimum wage retail, so now I am realizing for the first time I am 23 and capable of applying to be an Assistant Manager. And here we are again, interviewing for an AM position.

So I guess if you see me on the street and suddenly get the urge to catch up, ask yourself first if you want the 45 seconds to a minute version, or the, well, above. Because a lot can happen in a year, and if you're not keeping track it's just going to slip by.

So here is me trying to keep track. I mean, I do already keep a journal and an extensively detailed dayplanner, plus three or four other notebooks used for a variety of reasons (recipes and passwords, video game stuff, daily notes that one would keep in their smartphone, were they to own a smartphone. Which I do not.), but I don't really bother to keep in touch with those who might have an interest in what's going on in the fabulous life of me, which is something I would like to change. Whether you're a prospective client, a friend, or my mom (hi mom!), I may have a picture or a thought to share that just might resonate with you. That would be neat.

This is Smudge. He will be nine months old (to the best of my calculations) on April 13th. He is healthy, all up to date on shots and the whole (n-e-u-t-e-r-i-n-g thing), and a little rascal through and through. I can't imagine ditching an adorable little kitty like him in the dumpster like that. What's that? You can't really see the adorableness that is my Smudgey? Let me illuminate for you....

Everybody wants to be a cat. Because a cat's the only cat who knows where it's at.

Everybody's pickin' up on that feline beat 'cause everything else is obsolete.

Now a square with a horn can make you wish you weren't born ever'time he plays.

And with a square in the act he can set music back to the caveman days.

I've heard some corny birds who tried to sing, but a cat's the only cat who knows how to swing.

Who wants to dig a long-haired gig or stuff like that, when everybody wants to be a cat.

A square with that horn makes you wish you weren't born ever'time he plays.

And with a square in the act he's gonna set this music back to the Stone Age days.

Everybody wants to be a cat. Because a cat's the only cat who knows where it's at.

Thanks! See ya again.

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