Friday, August 28, 2015

Sparkle and Light

I love fireworks. I have a child-like fascination with the bright, magical colours that are shot up into the sky and explode into a grand display of sparkle and light. First, we find a nice place to sit to watch. Make sure we have all the necessities to stay warm and comfy: sweater, coffee, etc. Camera ready? Check. Then you wait for the sun to go down. Maybe you're lucky enough to have a good spot to watch the sunset. The unfortunate thing for us is there are too many trees in Red Deer, so tough luck finding any sort of location where you can see the landscape without tree blockage.
But at any rate, as soon as the sun goes down, murmurs start up from the people around us. Excitement builds, and then BOOM! With each splash of colour, I first must endure a scary and painful rumbling through the sky, not unlike a thunder storm. But moving past the childhood fear of storms, I am rewarded with such magnificent light sparklies. Pictures never do justice, and I attempted two fireworks paintings, one in oil and one in acrylic (of which I guess I don't have pictures of). But be that as it may, my search to understand fireworks lives on.

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