Monday, August 31, 2015

This Is Where I Live, segment Disco Castle

When people ask me where I live, I get a secret little smirk crawl across my face, and I tell them straight up, "It's called The Disco Castle".

I moved in right after I returned from my escapades in Europe. I was still in the fantasy, magical mindset the trip gave me, so moving in to this strange space was a welcoming experience.

Living here is more of an experience than anything else. The people who live here (we have Saija and Clarke, Travis, Marcell, and Curtis. Three of the five have dreads, another used to have them, and the fifth.. Well, he doesn't need dreads to prove he's just as dirty and hippy-y as the rest of the lot), the shenanigans that occur on a daily basis.. It's pretty wonderful and inspiring. And so, I shall share a little bit.

Welcome to... The Disco Castle

This is a few rando shots of my room. There's not a lot to look at, it's mostly a feel room. Me and my friends come down here and chill all the time, cuz it's a haven from the heat, a refuge from the cold, and an escape from the rest of the world. It's not exactly a legal room, what with it being makeshift and having exposed wiring and no window.... but I think it's alright!

Here is a typical display of my  bed after an afternoon of living.

One of my art walls. I figure, if I have a lot of art, why not display it?
Make my own makeshift art gallery.

So now I want to introduce you to some aspects of The Disco Castle that I am exposed to every day, and get to enjoy on a daily basis.

Like the beautiful, psychedelic wall tapestries...

Here we have my favorite hangout spot in the house (with the exception of the backyard and my room). It's just beside the kitchen, in a neat little corner of the house. Just kinda tucked away and looks forgotten, but I think that's because it's the only part of the house that's kept consistently tidy.

An example: The living room! It's actually just a funeral home for old festival mattresses and camping pillows. After the summer season finishes, we have some straggler festivalers and campers. But they've all come back and unpacked their trailers... Into the livingroom. At some point someone will feel inspired and stack all the mattresses so it's some makeshift cushion paradise. But right now they're just dead.

There's a DJ booth located between the living room and the cool chill spot. It's not really used for DJing, moreso housing dying succulent plants and my sunflowers. The window goes out onto a balcony, but it's so hard to get to we're all too lazy to bother. Which is a shame. I love balconies. 

Enter.. the backyard.

I believe in yellow submarines.

This guy is in my bathroom. He likes to watch me shower.

So now you've been on the sort've, semi tour, you're probably asking yourself.. Why do we call it The Disco Castle, epicness of the name aside. I wondered that myself once, then I realized...

We have our reasons. :D

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